July 15th, 2024,
All of us are aware of the recent attempt on President Trump’s life. Mr. Trump and his supporters are praising God today. This is very appropriate, because it is by divine intervention that Mr. Trump is alive today. This article is written without the clear knowledge of several technical aspects of the assassination attempt. These aspects include weapon specifics, optic type, ammunition specifics, mental health, prescribed medications, training, planning, and the shooters support structure. On its surface, it appears this was an isolated individual acting without direct enablers.
The consequences if this shooter had been successful were potentially catastrophic at every level. The United States has been a powder keg since the questionable 2020 election. A Trump assassination would have lit the fuse. The 75 million previous Trump voters would have accurately blamed the American left for 8 years of implicitly endorsing such a tragedy. The disturbing bemoaning of the left over the fact the shooter missed is an indicator of the effects of 8 years of violent rhetoric.
It is unknown to what extent, but many on the right would have sought retribution. Escalating violence would have been assured. Biden’s politicized DOJ has a penchant for persecuting conservatives. The government has lost most of its credibility with the majority of the populace. The reciprocating cycles of violence would accelerate out of control. The violent fracturing of the American Republic would be likely.
This violence would benefit those who seek to fundamentally transform America and the Chinese, but the global, national, and local implications would be devastating. Think of the Yugoslavian Civil War except in every single state, with multiple foreign participants, breakaway autonomous regions, and an implosion of the economy and food supply. This would most likely be followed up with a foreign power invading.
From a professional perspective, there is lot to discuss. The shooter location, the actual shots fired, the reaction to them, site security, site survey, and command response makes for numerous questions. I have discussed this several event with other Special Operations and Law Enforcement Sniper qualified individuals. There is so much that went wrong, that it is hard to find something that went right. There are so many more questions than answers.
Two of the elements that raise many questions are the shooters motive and intent. Motive is the underlying reason why a person commits a crime. Intent is a person’s conscious choice to commit that crime.
The shooter’s intent to shoot Mr. Trump was clear but his motive is not. When you look at the why of the shooter something alarming becomes possible. Was this assassination attempt passively enabled?
After careful analysis or what could be, the Assassination attempt on President Trump might be an alarming new methodology in proxy warfare. One that I call Political Assassination by Proxy.
Political Assassination by Proxy is a 6-step process where a political opponent has violence normalized against them, they are deprived of protection, targeted by rage, place in physically exposed position, then a political motivated participant attacks, and the crisis is exploited.
The first step of this process is to socially set the conditions normalizing violence against the target. Starting in 2016 supporters of President Trump were physically attacked in the streets of several cities. Kathy Gifford took the infamous photo of a bloody/ beheaded Trump. Broadway plays had a Trump look alike assassinated. TV shows had story lines of a Trump assassination. Democrat lawmakers routinely incited violence against President Trump and his supporters. Movie stars threatened physical violence against Trump. Other Movie stars wondered “where are the people who assassinate Presidents when you need them” Singers threatened to “blow up” the White House. All of these threats were made against a sitting President without any consequence.
This normalizes the behavior, if not enabling it.
Since the 2024 election cycle started, Mr. Trump has been likened to a Hitler in image and persona. He has been called a “threat to the nation” and a “threat to democracy”. Leading Democrat politicians have called for Mr. Trump to be “taken out”, “eliminated”, and “put in a bullseye”. The left is clearly saying the world would be better without Mr. Trump. These are clear inducements for someone to take action. The normalization of violence against the target is whererationalization and justification of criminal acts against political opposition emerges.
The next step is to expose the target and diminish their protection. Mr. Trump has been battling extremely questionable lawsuits, politically motivated judges, and D.A.’s who are conducting lawfare in manner not seen outside of the CCP or North Korea. The Stalinist tactics of “show me the man, I will show you the crime” are rampant in the political lawfare of the modern American Left. This is to deprive the leading political opposition leader of the financial means to conduct his affairs. This is also meant as a method of political intimidation. Not only does this alter the actions of the political target but those who have similar policy positions. If they can incarcerate the political target, this puts their political campaign and well-being at risk.
The constriction of movement, wealth, and time through frivolous legal actions has a multitude of effects. It hinders the target from conducting the affairs of his campaign. It also costs money that would have been allocated for media and voter outreach. Most importantly it reduces the target’s budget for private security professionals. Mr. Trump is not granted full Secret Service protections until he accepts the Republican Nomination for President. Democrats further exposed Mr. Trump by trying to remove his Secret Service protections with H.R 8081. While the legislative efforts failed, the lack of Secret Service protection provided to former President Trump was on full display on July 13th, 2024. Was this lack of protection intentional? If his protective detail was reduced in size and budget recently, it would support the concept of exposing the target and diminishing its protection.
Once the political target is exposed, it only requires the incitement of rage cultivated in the normalization of violence. This is to utilize the constant stoking of the political fires to entice someone to act. There has been a lack prosecution or accountability of ANTIFA, BLM rioters, and other violent leftists. This lowers the threshold for people to take violent action. In the mind of many leftists, they would be considered a hero for assassinating President Trump. The “I wouldn’t have missed” or “shoot better next time” comments from leftists shows how fully de-humanized Mr. Trump is to them. Many on the left have been cultivated to see risking their lives to assassinate their political opposition as not just acceptable but honorable. The American Left’s social media is full of violent slogans.
All it takes is a signal to imply it is time to take action. President Biden is not providing the content of his social media accounts. But one cannot understate the implied consent a comment like “Put Trump in a bullseye” gave. I am sure this was not President Biden’s intent, but it was the effect. That statement was no different that when the French Resistance would leave a physical signal in a village in occupied France. This signal meant French Resistance was cleared to conduct or not conduct a certain action against the enemy. Mr. Biden’s remarks, after 8 years of constant vilification of Mr. Trump, was a green light for the shooter take matters into his own hands.
The last step is to set the stage. The Trump rally in Pennsylvania on July 13th was one of the last events before Mr. Trump would be provided full Secret Service protections. The site had an easy to approach elevated position that had a short and clear line of site to Mr. Trump. The shooting position might have been screened by trees from the counter sniper positions. There was nothing screening Mr. Trump from that shooting position, such as a temporary sign, or large vehicle. The was the equivalent of the open convertible President Kennedy was in, except it was not moving. The are many unknowns about the site security plan, the site evaluation, and many other factors. But what is known, is the greatest potential threat was left unguarded and unmitigated. How many other times has Mr. Trump been put in similar risk?
All that has to be done at this point is let a willing participant take the risk. The modern leftist is well aware of the phrase “Think Globally, Act Locally”. This is a mantra of the individual taking action without central guidance to further collective goals. After the social conditioning, reduction of the target’s protection, the incitement of rage, and now the stage is set. The assassin just has to take the opportunity.
We do not have clear picture of the shooters motive. What was influencing him? Did he see himself as a hero saving the world from a threat? Was he being told that he would be? Was he of sound mind? Was he taking SSRI’s or other prescription drugs? Who was influencing him? Were bad actors contacting the shooter through social media? Did he have advanced knowledge of the site? Was he provided details of the site? Was he provided support? Was he cultivated or recruited to conduct the shooting? If so who and how?
While we do not know the Shooters motive or who influenced it, we do know the conditions were set for him or someone like him to do this.
Once an event like this happens the final move is to exploit the tragedy. Had Mr. Trump been killed, the left would have eliminated their primary threat to political power and had an opportunity to make the 2nd Amendment a primary policy target. The constant calls for “lowering the temperature” are duplicitous. It is the left who has constantly raised the political rhetoric to dangerous levels.
This is very much like letting a running Ferrari just sit unguarded in a high crime area. The act, while very illegal, to the right person, it might be worth the risk. The temptation to commit the crime supersedes the penalty, and nothing is really standing in the way. More famous people are clearly stating they would do it if given the chance. Even if they thought they would ultimately get caught, the acclaim might justify it. The culture is saying. if left unguarded, the target of the crime deserves it.
We have entered a new era in American Politics. The left has transitioned from strategic statement to strategic offense in Maoist Cultural Warfare. The greatest threat to that has always been Donald Trump. What has been shown by this method, one group can expose its political opposition to physical harm or death without direct responsibility. The left has not only culpability in this matter, but they are the causation of it.
We may have witnessed the birth of a new Unconventional Warfare methodology, Political Assassination by Proxy.